Jan's Bible Notes
by Jan Young

Wise Men
Still Seek Him

Excerpt from Genesis notes: "Adaptation is micro-evolution, which creationists DO believe in. Macro-evolution is evolution from one kind to another kind; the Bible says this did NOT happen, and there is no scientific evidence that it has ever happened. All the examples that evolutionists give are of micro-evolution. Evolutionists often confuse the issue by only using the term 'evolution,' rather then clarifying with the terms 'macro' or 'micro.'"

These notes are the product of about 30 years of teaching ladies' Bible study, in which we go straight through the Bible, book by book. My approach to studying the Bible is to read the whole Bible, compare Scripture with Scripture, see how the whole Bible fits together, ask lots of questions, discuss, and focus on application.

I format my notes as mostly open-ended questions rather than a lecture or workbook style because I feel that people learn better when they read and compare, think, and discover for themselves, rather than being told. This is similar to the "inquiry" approach to learning or to the "Socratic method." The question format works well for individual study as well as for a group discussion. Hopefully, the questions will help people understand how to think about the Bible to discover truth on their own. Or they may simply serve as an example of the types of questions we might ask ourselves or our group as we read and study the Bible.

I take the literal-historical-grammatical-dispensational interpretation. The Bible says what it means and means what it says. When using symbolic language it provides the meaning of the symbol. I do a lot of cross-referencing, as I believe the Bible interprets itself for us if we compare each verse to others on the same subject.

Enjoy listening to
Jan Young on the piano:
I'll Fly Away
Just a Closer Walk
Oh How I Love Jesus
In the Garden
Victory in Jesus

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness." II Timothy 3:15
For a Christian slant on working with horses,
please visit our other website and look at the article "The True Way,"
an analogy about how working with our horses is similar to what God is doing in our lives.
Jack Young Clinics

Read about my middle-grade novels
set in the ranching country of Nevada,
The Orange Slipknot and its sequel, Starting the Colt.
While not overtly Christian books, there is a subtle Christian message in each.
A great gift for the young readers in your life!
Excerpts, reviews, order information and more on my website:
Jan Young - Author


Jan's Bible Study Notes

The Bible in a Nutshell
Endtimes Study

Old Testament:
I & II Samuel
I & II Kings

New Testament:
I Corinthians
II Corinthians
I & II Thessalonians
I & II Timothy, Titus
I & II Peter
I, II & III John

Read my online book
Evolution: Fact or Philosophy?
A non-religious critique of
evolution geared toward the
junior high/high school level

Why I As a Christian
Can't Accept Evolution

Is Jesus God?

How To Be Saved

Bible Study Strategies

Why Read the Old Testament?

The Lord's Prayer

Teaching the Bible

Cowboy Poetry from the Bible

My Friend Marti: From Heaven She Still Speaks To Us

Halloween and the Bible

Copyright Notice: You may use these Bible study notes for your own personal study and teaching. You may print them on paper, make paper copies, or distribute them on paper for noncommercial classroom use, but they may not be modified, reformatted, or published in any form, whether electronic or otherwise.

From the Internet:

Inductive Bible Study, preceptaustin.org

God's Recall Notice

Apostasy Explained

Purpose Driven Life
part 1, part 2, also

Is Yoga OK for Christians?

Carl Rogers, Psychology
and the Church

Music and the Church:
Spiritual Songs

How Can We Know if
the Bible Is True?

The Myth of Chemical Evolution

When All the Christians

The Restrainer

My background: I have been a believer in Jesus Christ since I was a child (Janice Neufeld), having been raised in a Bible-believing family and church. I graduated in 1973 from Pacific University in Fresno, CA, a Christian liberal arts college, with a major in Behavioral Science and minors in Bible and Music. I live in Winnemucca, Nevada and have two grown sons. I have served in several churches as a pianist and as a teacher (Sunday School, children's church, VBS). I have studied the Bible all my life and have been influenced by several good pastors (Lee W. Toms, and Bob Gillikin, 17 years) and especially by the late J. Vernon McGee (Thru the Bible Radio) and the late Henry Morris (Institute for Creation Research). I read and study about points of view other than my own, always comparing Scripture with Scripture. I consult a number of commentaries, but my most useful study tool is Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. (A handy way to use it is the e-Sword computer program.) I use the NASB (New American Standard Bible).

I was fortunate over the years to have many good Bible teachers. Yet I found that Bible knowledge isn't enough; you need to learn to apply it to your life. I have tried to format my studies to have a balance of both. I have received so many positive comments from those I have shared these studies with, that I thought maybe I should share them with more people. Hopefully some will find them helpful. Feel free to copy these pages or email me with any comments.

jnjyoung "at" hotmail "dot" com

Why study the Bible? The Bible is about knowing God, and how we can have a relationship with Him, and salvation, through His Son Jesus Christ. It is not about "religion." Religion is about doing good things so God will accept you; the Bible is about what God has done for you.

Copyright 2003 Jan Young

Website by Jan Young